Guriddo Suito PHP 5.2.1 is released
We are glad to announce the availability of our Suito PHP 5.2.1 release. This version is a bug fix release, but contain very useful additions. Below is a list of the additions and changes:
Additions and Changes
In excel options added default format types as follow:
“format_int”=>”#0”, “format_num”=>”#.00″,”format_text”=>”@”, “format_date”=>”YYYY-MM-DD”
with this option the default types are formatted correct in excel.
To overwrite the default excel formating the excel option can be set or to define a custom formatter
in excel use excel_format property in formatoptions like in the code below:
$grid->setColProperty(‘myfield’, array(“formatoptions”=>array(“excel_format”=>”#.0”)));
Add customwhere element in tableconfig array where is possible to add a additional condition in getLeafNodes where clause for adjacency model
Added new public variable summaryalias (default true) – summary data is calculated using alias.
if we have $sql then adding the needed summary fields to $s as SUM(a) AS a… , then we do
SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNTR “.$s.” FROM ($sql) gridalias.
Fix bug with summary fields
Fix pass by reference error in PHP 7
Fix _buildSearch() function for Cannot use string offset as an array.
Fix when formatter (select) parameter is true in setSelect we update formatoptions instead of editoptions
Default values parameter (defvals) in setSelect now is available in all modes – formatter, editing and searching
Java Script
Addition and Updates
- Add a showSaveCancelButtons() method in inline editiong to enable save and cancel buttons
- Add saveData parameter in saveState method, which enables/disables saving the data. Default true.
- Add restoreData option in loadState method which enables/disables restoring the saved data state. Default true.
- Removed a grid option altclass. Added definition for striped table in the styleUI object. The striped table is now build (option altRows : true) only when add a class to the main table. This add a speed improvements when loading the data. Removed the not needed code in delRowData and addRowdata
- Add onBeforeExport event in exportToExcel method
- Add parameter forceresize to resizeColumn methods
- Added triggred event jqGridBeforeProcessing which is equivalent of beforeProcessing
- Add triggered events jqGridLoadError = loadError and jqGridLoadBeforeSend = loadBeforeSend
- Add triggered event jqGridPaging = onPaging
- Remove global object jqGridUtils and add all the functions in $.jgrid object removing a need to have two global jqGrid objects.
- Exclude more attributes not needed to be add in input element in createEl function
- Add triggered event jqGridErrorCell = errorCell in cell editing
- Add new property in colModel exportcol which enables disables the export in the methods exportToPdf and ExportToExcel exportToCsv.
- Add saveui and savetext parameters to the editRow method
- Added missed triggered events in viewGridRow method see documentation
- Adding missed triggred evenents in delGridRow see documentation
- Added replaceStr event in exportToExcel parameters in order to control the formatting of the exported text.
- Add onSubmitCell event in cell edit
- Removing not used option delayOnLoad in subgrid
- Adding the missing triggered events in treeGrid
- Adding option multimail
- Adding count parameter to summaryTpl -> {1}
- Add option scrollMaxBuffer to prevent memory problems when using virtual scrolling in local mode using the mouse wheel
Bug Fixes
- Fix: small fixes according to eslint
- Fix: comparing with equal data types in getNodeParent
- Selector fixes the addJSONData and addXMLData
- Fix: Support autoencode grid option to prevent XSS in jqFilter
- Fix restoreRow to restore all the data saved into the savedRow array and not only the editable. This fixes calling of depended formatter custom function. See here
- Fix: Unreadable content in MS Excel when open the generated excel file generated with exportToExcel method`
- Fix: saveAs function in exportToExcel to work correct in IE11 (Access denied error fix)
- Fix: set search option to false when we reset the seasrch in column menu
- Fix: fixes in normalizeData function to read correct the unique name.
- Fix setFrozenColumns when box-sizing=border-box is used.
- Fix: add beforeProcessing event to every datatype.
- Small fix in beforeRequest event. The triggered event and option event should be one after other.
- Fix according to the documentation if datatype is function beforeRequest does not fire
- Fix: More strict check in setColProp for the type object
- Fix jqgroup class to have same height as jqgrow class.
- Fix calling custom_element in search modules with the right html element.
- Fix delGridRow view modal dialogue in case first time beforeInitData return false.
- Fix: remove the parameter searchurl in filterToolbar it is never used
- Fix: get correct label from colNames instead of colModel.label in buildColMenu
- Fix: When exporting we should use the colNames and not colModel.label
- Fix remove bad set counter for service fields: row numbers and multiselect.
- Fix frozen columns when zooming.
- Fix calling triggered event jqGridAddEditAfterComplete in editGridRow.
- Fix add missed parameter postdata in jqGridAddEditBeforeCheckValues
- Fix setGroupHeader method in case it is called 2 or more times with colspan : true
- Fix export to excel allowing quotes in the values.
- Fix Bootstrap css dispearing icons
- Fix: colmenu search options operands replaced with groupOps common to all search modules
- Fix columnChooser – setting height causes selection list not to overflow correct.
- Fix sortable columns to perform sort when the column is sorted to its original position
- Fix reading data in case key colModel option is set and repeatitems in jsonReader is true.
- Fix passing parameters in editRow
- Fix stop function in sortablColumns method to be executed within delay
- Fix deselectAfterSort to not highlight the remaining rows
- Fix exportToExcel method to order properly the columns. The bug originally come for the reason that object properties are ordered and do not follow natural insert order
- Fix exportToPdf to order correctly the columns in case some of them have a number as name
- Fix exportToCsv to order correct column names in header when they are numbers.
- Fix timeoffset in parseDate function.
- Fix it is possible to search when select has a multiple property in dialogue search
- Fix toggleToolbar method when frozenColumns are set
- Fix filterInput to use ! correct
Kind Regards,
Guriddo Team
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