We try to change the world of component vendors by embracing free & open standards like jQuery, Theme Roller, jQuery UI. We are combining that with reliability and amazing customer support, where the guys who wrote the products are the ones you are talking with. Roadmap
The recommended way to get support fast is Guriddo Forum. You'll find here questions and answers, and can discuss anything with the Guriddo developers directly. We have large community which is ready to help you, and our support look for unanswered questions daily Support Page
Do you want to use products for a personal website, a school site or a non-profit organisation? Then you don't need the author's permission, just go on and download. For commercial websites and projects, see License and Pricing.
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Instant jqGrid.
Review by the jqGrid creator Tony Tomov
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Recommended for sales only communication and in the rare cases where you do not wish to post information or code in the public forums and need private technical support.
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