We represent here our current view of our product development cycle and future directions. This is for information purposes only, and should not be interpreted as a commitment on the part of TriRand.
Guriddo jqGrid JS and Guriddo Suito PHP (Q1-Q4 2025)
- Copy/Paste data from and to jqGrid
- AutoFill tool (similar like Excel)
- Support for CSS frameworks – Foundation and Bulma
- Visual jqGrid builder with code generation for JS and PHP (long term work)
Guriddo jqGrid JS and Guriddo Suito PHP (Q1-Q4 2023)
- Support for PHP 8.x rewriting php code
- Typescript definitions
- IndexedDb wrapper
Support for other CSS frameworks – Foundation and Bulma
Guriddo jqGrid JS and Guriddo Suito PHP (Q1-Q4 2022)
- Transposed grid – transform columns to rows
- Frozen rows
- Frozen Rows and Columns at a time
- Better Bootstrap 5 support
Guriddo jqGrid JS and Guriddo Suito PHP (Q1-Q4 2020)
- Unary search operators (empty not empty fields)
- Working offline(edit data locally and save it later at server)
- Implementing max/min height for entire grid
Guriddo jqGrid JS and Guriddo Suito PHP (Q1-Q2 2019)
- Accessibility compliant improvements (Section 508 Compliant)
- Multi select column position at right
- Autosizing columns (width) on data loading
- Autosizing columns (width) on click resize mark
- Responsive pager buttons
- Support export to HTML in Suito PHP
- Loading indicators in export modules plus custom formatting strings in local excel export
- Auto-filter based on grid data in tool bar filter
- Header frozen row like footer row and methods to add data on it
Guriddo jqGrid JS and Guriddo Suito PHP (Q3-Q4 2017)
- Python wrapper (Flask and Django)
- Bootstrap 4 support
- HTML5 full support in form editing
- TreeGrid paging
- Frozen column support for virtual scroll
- Custom column menu
- Custom action grid menu header title
Guriddo jqGrid JS and Guriddo Suito PHP (Q3-Q4 2016)
- Supoort of jQuery 3.x
- Better PivotGrid with speed and other improvements.
- Client side export to CSV, Excel (XLSX), PDF
Guriddo jqGrid JS (Q1 2015)
- Support of Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
- Better Virtual Scrolling with adding a scroll tool tip for easy current page view
- Searching in TreeGrid
- Save Grid State/ Restore Grid State and better support when user is back to the grid page and want to restore its grid(s) state(s)
Guriddo Suito PHP (Q1 2015)
- Better export to excel – create a true excel file and more configuration options
- Server side searching in TreeGrid PHP
- Server Side validation in Guriddo Form and Guriddo jqGrid PHP
- Add a possibility to have custom form in Guriddo Form PHP