I've downloaded the 3.2rc and overwrote the *.js files in the js folder with the 3.2rc ones. (I had been using jqgrid 3.1). Also, I added the new css element “div.loadingui” into the grid.css file. Unfortunately, however, the grid does not display its contents after the upgrade. (Please see the screen shot for your information: http://mc-dev-01.tech.northwestern.edu/fact/www/temp/master_detail_32rc.gif).
So, this time, I overwrite every file in 3.2rc except the file grid.base.js so that the js folder includes all the 3.2rc version except the file grid.base.js (still 3.1). Then, the grid showed the content properly.
I'm not sure if this is a 3.2 bug or I'm missing something. Please let me know if anyone has the same issue.
Thank you!
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