After updating from v4.4.4 to v4.7.0 I noticed some things aren’t working as before:
1) After saving in form edit, the grid displays the id’s of the combos instead of the text.
2) If I set id in prmNames, when saving in edit form the row number is set in postdata instead of the actual value.
 Here’s an example of my col model definition:
  prmNames: {id: “idPer”, search:null, nd : null, page: null, rows: null, sort : null, order : null}, Â
  colNames:[‘idPer’, ‘person’, ‘idCity’, ‘age’, ’employee’, ’employee 2′, ‘birth date’, ‘idGroup’, ‘Desc’,’Obs’], Â
   {name:’idPer’,index:’idPer’, hidden: true, key: true, width:55, editable:true, editrules:{edithidden:false}, sorttype:’int’},
   {name:’person,index:’person’, editable:true, editoptions:{size:39}, width:190, sorttype:’text’},
   {name:’idCity’,index:’idCity’, hidden: true},
   {name:’age’,index:’age’, editable:true, edittype:’select’,
    editoptions:{ Â
     buildSelect: myFunction)
     },           Â
     width:90, sorttype:’text’},   Â
   {name:’employee’,index:’employee’, editable:true, edittype:’select’, formatter:eFmatter, unformat:eUnFmatter,Â
     width:190, sorttype:’text’},
   {name:”employee2′,index:”employee2′, editable:true, edittype:’select’, formatter:eFmatter, unformat:eUnFmatter,Â
     width:190, sorttype:’text’},     Â
   {name:’birth’,index:’birth’, width:90, sorttype:’date’, formatter:’date’, editable:true},
   {name:’idGroup’,index:’idGroup’, hidden: true},
   {name:’desc’,index:’desc’, width:190, formatter:dFmatter, unformat: dFmatter,editable:true, edittype:’select’,
     buildSelect: myfunction2)
     },              Â
   {name:’obs’,index:’obs’, width:190, editable:true, sorttype:’text’, edittype:’textarea’, editoptions:{rows:2, cols:40}}]
Did I missed something with the new releases?
Thanks in advance
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