I am seeing this in 4.5.4, but it also appears to be an issue in 4.6.
The fourth parameter for a cell’s formatter function is supposed to be an object of the row’s data. Â However, when called from the setCell fuinction, the fourth parameter is the row element for the row of the cell being edited.
Starting with line 3570, the ind variable set set to the rest of getGridRowById. Â that variable is then passed as the fourth parameter.
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<span style="color: blue">var</span> ind = $($t).jqGrid(<span style="color: #a31515">'getGridRowById'</span>, rowid); <br /> <span style="color: blue">if</span> (ind){<br />     <span style="color: blue">var</span> tcell = $(<span style="color: #a31515">"td:eq("</span>+pos+<span style="color: #a31515">")"</span>,ind);<br />     <span style="color: blue">if</span>(nData !== <span style="color: #a31515">""</span> || forceupd === <span style="color: blue">true</span>) {<br />         v = $t.formatter(rowid, nData, po |
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