First, sorry for my poor English. Mistakes anywhere.
this is “modal:true,,jqModal:false” and jquery UI datepicker related.
I have read many posts on this. I think this is not the same as anyone of those.
We MUST use “modal:true” for a Modal-dialog while user is inputing. You can image the things: one input form has 20 or more input fields. During the inputing, the user clicked anywhere out of the input form. … The form closed. That’s a BAD thing for user. So we MUST use this.
No. 1
                               modal:true //we MUST use this for a Modal-dialog while input
                               ,jqModal:false //if this is true, the drop-down of year/month works abnormal
                                             //if this is false, the drop-down of year/month works fine
                                //but the Add/Edit form works abnormal:
                                //   if I first triggered the ADD form, then the EDIT form becomes the ADD one
                                //   if I first triggered the EDIT from, the ADD form error.
You can try the fiddle the following steps
1. click the ADD button. when the ADD from is showed, click cancel. — the form looks fine.
2. click the EDIT button. you’ll see a ADD form. — it’s error. — we clicked the EDIT button
Now, re-run ths jsfiddle,
1. click the EDIT button. you can see a normal EDIT form. it’s fine. close it.
2. click the ADD button. you’ll see a EDIT form. — it’s wrong.
Just do the following changes on the base of the previous fiddle.
Then, click the ADD/EDIT button to test.
You’ll find the form works fine. BUT, the datepicker works abnormal. — the dropdown box of year and the month can not works normally.
Who can help me?
I want use MODAL input form and the datepicker.
Does anyone can help me?
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