As per kind request from Tony Tomov I am posting the question here, hoping you guys can help me.
I am just starting with jqGrid and JS in general, so a fair amount of hand-holding might be required to help me get over this problem.
I have one ‘select’ dropdown field where user selects from a range of categories / names, based on user selection I need to populate the next ‘select’ dropdown with corresponding set of sub categories. All in inline edit.
So select first option, which in my example is department name, and then based on that department name change the dataUrl for next dropdown.
My code so far:
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$(function () { var lastsel2 $("#jqGrid_BdgtEmp").jqGrid({ regional: 'en', prmNames: { id: "empTbID" }, url: "/Budget/GetBdgtEmp", datatype: 'json', mtype: 'Get', colNames: ['EmpTbID', 'DepartmentId', 'DepartmentName', 'EmployeeName', 'EmployeeJobFunctionId', 'EmployeeJobFunctionName', 'EmpStart', 'EmpEnd', 'BsBasic', 'BsPayRise', 'BsComm', 'BsOverTime', 'BsMthBonus', 'BsQtrBonus', 'BsGross', 'RatesEmpNhi', 'RatesPension', 'BoEmpNhi', 'BoPension', 'BoHealth', 'BoBenefits', 'BoTotal', 'CarStatus', 'CarWDown', 'CarFuel', 'CarRunCost', 'CarTotal', 'PayRisePercent', 'PayRiseStart'], colModel: [ { key: true, name: 'empTbID', index: 'empTbID', editable: false, editoptions: { "class": "jqgrid-readonlycolumn" } }, { key: false, name: 'departmentId', index: 'departmentId', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'departmentName', index: 'departmentName', editable: true, edittype: 'select', editoptions: { size: 1, dataUrl: '/Budget/GetDepartmentListSel' } }, { key: false, name: 'employeeName', index: 'employeeName', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'employeeJobFunctionId', index: 'employeeJobFunctionId', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'employeeJobFunctionName', index: 'employeeJobFunctionName', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'empStart', index: 'empStart', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'empEnd', index: 'empEnd', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'bsBasic', index: 'bsBasic', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'bsPayRise', index: 'bsPayRise', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'bsComm', index: 'bsComm', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'bsOverTime', index: 'bsOverTime', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'bsMthBonus', index: 'bsMthBonus', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'bsQtrBonus', index: 'bsQtrBonus', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'bsGross', index: 'bsGross', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'ratesEmpNhi', index: 'ratesEmpNhi', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'ratesPension', index: 'ratesPension', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'boEmpNhi', index: 'boEmpNhi', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'boPension', index: 'boPension', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'boHealth', index: 'boHealth', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'boBenefits', index: 'boBenefits', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'boTotal', index: 'boTotal', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'carStatus', index: 'carStatus', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'carWDown', index: 'carWDown', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'carFuel', index: 'carFuel', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'carRunCost', index: 'carRunCost', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'carTotal', index: 'carTotal', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'payRisePercent', index: 'payRisePercent', editable: true }, { key: false, name: 'payRiseStart', index: 'payRiseStart', editable: true }], onSelectRow: function (empTbID) { if (empTbID && empTbID !== lastsel2) { $("#jqGrid_BdgtEmp").restoreRow(lastsel2); $("#jqGrid_BdgtEmp").editRow(empTbID, true, '', '', '', '', reload); lastsel2 = empTbID; } }, footerrow: true, userDataOnFooter : true, editurl: '/Budget/EditBdgtEmp', pager: jQuery('#jqControlls_BdgtEmp'), rowNum: 10, rowList: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], height: '100%', viewrecords: true, caption: 'Employees', emptyrecords: 'No employees to display', jsonReader: { root: "rows", page: "page", total: "total", records: "records", repeatitems: false, Id: "0" }, autowidth: false, shrinkToFit:false, forceFit:false, multiselect: false, loadComplete: function () { // footer data $(this).jqGrid("footerData", "set", { empTbID: "<b>Total:</b>", bsBasic: $(this).jqGrid('getCol', 'bsBasic', false, 'sum'), bsPayRise: $(this).jqGrid('getCol', 'bsPayRise', false, 'sum'), bsComm: $(this).jqGrid('getCol', 'bsComm', false, 'sum') }); } }).navGrid('#jqControlls_BdgtEmp', { edit: true, add: true, del: true, search: false, refresh: true }, { zIndex: 100, url: '/Budget/EditBdgtEmp', closeOnEscape: true, closeAfterEdit: true, recreateForm: true, afterComplete: function (response) { if (response.responseText) { console.log(response.responseText); } } }, { zIndex: 100, url: "/Budget/CreateBdgtEmp", closeOnEscape: true, closeAfterAdd: true, afterComplete: function (response) { if (response.responseText) { console.log(response.responseText); } } }, { zIndex: 100, url: "/Budget/DeleteBdgtEmp", closeOnEscape: true, closeAfterDelete: true, recreateForm: true, msg: "Are you sure you want to delete this row? ", afterComplete: function (response) { if (response.responseText) { console.log(response.responseText); } } }); $("#jqGrid_BdgtEmp").jqGrid('setGroupHeaders', { useColSpanStyle: false, groupHeaders: [ { startColumnName: 'empTbID', numberOfColumns: 12, titleText: '<b>Top level placeholder</b>' } ] }); $("#jqGrid_BdgtEmp").jqGrid('setGroupHeaders', { useColSpanStyle: false, groupHeaders: [ { startColumnName: 'empTbID', numberOfColumns: 2, titleText: '<b>Mid placeholder 1</b>' }, { startColumnName: 'departmentName', numberOfColumns: 6, titleText: '<b>Mid placeholder 2</b>' } ] }); function reload(empTbID, result) { $("#jqGrid_BdgtEmp").trigger("reloadGrid"); } }); |
So in my example above, when user selects the department I need to then load a relevant list of Job Function descriptions based on that initial selection.
Hope you guys can help me – and code examples would be greatly appreciated!
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