I’m not sure if these are bugs or by design (and if it has been answered before, I apologize — I can’t get the search function on these forums to work).
1. When I include a edittype:select in an inline editing grid, I can show the dropdown options using the mouse, but I cannot select any of the options with the mouse. As soon as I move the mouse into the list the list disappears. So I have to get focus into the select box, and then use the cursor keys or start typing the value to make the selection. Is this the way it is supposed to work, something that is unavoidable with my browser (IE7), or have I done something wrong?
2. When I do select a value in a dropdown using the cursor keys, and then press enter to trigger the save, the value posted has not changed from the original, but if make the select by typing the first character and then pressing Enter, the value is changed. Is this expected or again have I done something wrong?
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