Hi Tony, I was able to implement my requirement by using 'GridUnload' for destroying the previous sorting cirteria and order. But I have run into another problem. It seems, at least to me, that jqgrid always gives precedence to the left most column while sorting with multiSort : true.
I mean even if I am executing the following command –
jQuery(“#grid”).jqGrid('sortGrid', “Field1″, true, “asc”).jqGrid('sortGrid', “Field2″, true, “asc”);
where I would expect the outcome to be a grid sorted on “Field1” first and then on “Field2”, the outcome is this only when “Field1” is on the left of “Field2”. Whenever the “Field1” is on the right of “Field2” the actual outcome will be a grid sorted on “Field2” first and then on “Field1”.
Kindly tell me, whether my observation is a mistake from my end or is it actually