Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript 4.8 is released
Three months after the changes in jqGrid we are happy to announce the availability of the new 4.8 version of Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript.
This release is a major release and contain a numerous of additions and changes that make the grid one of the most advanced grid component.
The highlights of this release are too much including: Template in the form edit module, better Bootstrap integration, Save and load grid state using loalStorage, Dynamic localization (without reloading the page), Support for AMD, Modern visual changes and much more.
Again with these additions we fixed a numerous of bugs.
This release require some upgrade changes to be made if you are upgrade from previous one.
Please read the upgrade notes included in the package or read them below.
Below are some of the changes, additions, fixes and upgrade notes. Please check our updated demos to view all the new additions. You can view them using the links in the below notes
Additions and Changes
Adding support for AMD. View demo
Adding support for AMD in language files.
Introducing templating in Form edit module. View Demo
Adding scrollPopUp to appear a popup with page information when virtual scrolling is on. Also added top offset to controll the appearing. View demo
Add a methods saveState which save the grid state when the option storeNavOptions is set to true in grid option. method uses localStorage. View demo
Add method loadState to restore the previous saved state with saveState.
Added searchTree grid when we have a local data. View Demo
Added a option cacheUrlData in colModel editoptions,which caches the data from dataUrl. This very usefull in search fileter and inline edit in order to prevent too much server calls. View demo
Added a new grid parameter – regional – two letter code which correspond to the code in grid.locale-xx.js. To load a language file different from English (default) in the grid this parameter should be set.
Added method setRegional to change the language on the fly. The method uses sessionStorage. View demo
Added ui.jqgrid-bootstrap.css as a separate css in order to have good grid in boostrap. View demo
tabletogrid() function is no more supported.The module is moved into the plugins directory
Added WCAG AA related ids and headers
Code optimization in editGridRow
IE versions <= 8 are no more supported.
Added parameter storeNavOptions to store the nav options in the grid options. The parameter is used in navGrid and if true the options are saved as grid parameters.
Adding UI classes to jQuery UI search dialog. Removing some css rules and adding new for the search filter dialog
Changes in GridUnload and GridDestroy. In previous case we never can destroy the grid object. The function are called different way – i.e they are a jgrid namespaced
Internal module changes and function move.
inlineNav can be called without to call first navGrid.
Added second parameter in getGridParam – module to query the certain module parameters.
Now it is possible to get the parameter of the navigator using jQuery data – …jqGrid(‘getGridParam’,name,’navGrid’);
Add ignoreCasde default to true.
Added a option in getFullTreeNode to expand the returned result
Addeed a option in getRootNodes to return the root nodes of the current grid data.
Added second param in getRowData – usedata. If set to true the current view is returned from data array (if any) and not from the html table
TreeGrid now support local data
Code optimizations in inlineNav when restoreAfterselect is true
Removing the non utf language files
Language file structure changes to support more lang at the same time and change it easy
Adding missed saving messages in language files
Drop the LGPL JsonXml.js from jqGrid and replace the code with our own. Created grid.utils.js
Moving jqGridImport to $.jgrid namespace
Add/remove classes ui-sg-collapsed/ui-sg-expanded in subgrid row to check if it is expanded or collapsed
Add class widget-content to pager select box
Add scrollLeftOffset to controll dynamically the appearance of the scroll dialog information
Changes in CSS to make the grid to look modern
Fix for possible duplicated IDs in the search input boxes
Removed faulty role=”row” on pager
Removing duplicate code. Moving template in base grid deleting the format function and replace it with template
Small fixes and support for bootstrap via jQuery UI Bootstrap
Fix saving the data row in inline edit in case not a reloading is lunched.
Fix subGridBeforeExpand event should be executed independed of the reloadOnExpand option
Fixes for pager and toppager
Fix bug in searching when data is local and the field is defined as formatter data with srcformat and newformat.
Fixes in clearBeforeUnload.
Fix sortTreeGrid in case a local serch is performed.
Fixed collapsing of expandable row if this row is dragging in sortable table
Fix for beforeselectrow in inline navigator.
Fixes in addJSONData, addXmlData in IE when used firstChild
Fix in showFilter calling parameters
Fix “multiple:true” might work unexpectedly
Fix in case grouping and subgrid to not expand subgrid rows when they are not expanded
Fix loading the default lang according to the new lang changes
This is a upgrade guide to version 4.8. Breaking changes
The ui.jqgrid.css file should be replaced with the last one.
Language files (grid.locale-xx.js) should be replaced with the last one. If this is not performed a error will appear and grid will not be build.
The method GridUnload – i.e $(“#grid”).jqGrid(‘GridUnload’) does not have effect.
Replace the old with the new one $.jgrid.gridUnload(‘#jqGridId’); where jqGridId is the id of the grid
The method GridDestroy – i.e $(“#grid”).jqGrid(‘GridDestroy’) does not have effect.
Replace the old with the new one $.jgrid.gridDestroy(‘#jqGridId’); where jqGridId is the id of the grid
The method jqGridImport – i.e $(“#grid”).jqGrid(‘jqGridImport’,options) does not have effect.
Replace the old with the new one $.jgrid.jqGridImport(‘#jqGridId’, options); where jqGridId is the id of the grid
The $.jgrid.defaults property is unchanged and it is possible to use $.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {…});
All other parameter from the language file should be changed this way:
Suppose the current language file is English, then extending the edit parameters should be replaced from
$.extend($.jgrid.edit, {…});
$.extend($.jgrid.regional[‘en’].edit, {…});
The same apply for all other parameters in language file.
To load your own language file you will need to setup the regional parameter in the grid.
Let suppose that default language file should be grid.locale-cn.js, then in grid it is needed to do this:
regional : 'cn',
[…] full list of changes, please read this blog post on our new […]
Thank you for releasing 4.8.0. However, when I run jqGrid() method the browser spits out "TypeError: opts is undefined" message on jquery.jqGrid.src.js:12897 line and displays "UNDEFINED" box in center of the grid. This happens when I run it with jquery.jqGrid.src.js and grid.locale-ru.js files. When I replace grid.locale-ru.js with grid.locale-en.js the error disappears. When I use jquery.jqGrid.min.js the error pops up again, error message says "c" instead of "opts". Could you please check.
Hello, Thanks for posting this problem. I have updated the build. Please let me know if you have problems. Also can you please try to download the full jqGrid (not using download builder) and let me know if the problem is fixed. Thank you. Kind Regards, Tony down from above two URLs,will get two different sized packages.
@Yan Molin Thanks. Fixed. Regards
There is a bug in the Chinese language pack file, display the following error in FireBug:TypeError: c is undefined(line 434 in jquery.jqGrid.min.js g=c.decimalSeparator||".") If you replaced the English language package, it is normal.
It is OK only when use the English language pack. I got an error when tried several other language packs. Later, I replace "$.jgrid.regional["**"]" by "$.jgrid.regional["en"]" in other language packs,and succeed.
Hello, To load your local language file you will need to set the regional parameter in the grid options. It is two letter and correspond to the last two letter in the grid language file
In this version is this issue solved?: The problem is jqgrid is not displaying the server datetime but it displays datetime based on local time zone also when I change my local time zone the displayed datetime differs. thanks
if celledit: true, multiselect : truethen multiboxonly options is not working (because of celledit option) plz fix it
[…] Full list of JavaScript changes can be read here […]
Hi, I have a problem.When I drag edit form, the position of form is not valid...Always it starts from (0,0).
Hello, Any chance to complete a demo showing this problem. I can not reproduce it. Thank you.
Hi, tony. Thank you for your reply.Do you mean there is no way to solve it?How can I fix it?
Hi Tony,I just upgraded to 4.8.2. Getting a script error where requrejs is trying to find ../grid.base. Is there a way around this?
Hello, If you use requiere.js you will need to configure your config.js. Please let me know if you have resolved the problem. Kind Regards, Tony
hello.i have try the bootstrap demo. is guriddo still not responsive or i was wrong?