Where are the examples for jqDatePicker?

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  • Where are the examples for jqDatePicker?

Home Forums Guriddo Suito PHP Where are the examples for jqDatePicker?

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  • #127143


    I am using jqSuite 4.6.0 and trying to incorporate jqDatePicker to create a date filter for three grids I have on my webpage.  The documentation for jqDatePicker is extremely thin – in fact, the Options and Events categories in the help file contain 1 line: To be written. (and: last updated 09/15/10).

    The Methods category shows the methods but there isn’t any mention of how to actually incorporate them in your php file.

    The introduction tab states:

    The Datepicker is a highly configurable plugin that adds datepicker functionality to your pages. You can customize the date format and language, restrict the selectable date ranges and add in buttons and other navigation options easily.

    I would like to restrict the pickable dates to those that appear in my database tables, and also have the default set to show today’s date.  Then whatever date is selected would cause the three girds on the page to filter for the picked date (or use today as the default).

    If you could provide some examples other than the very simple one in your documentation (attaching datepicker) that would be very helpful.




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  • Author
  • #127144


    Thank you for the recommendation. We will try to fix this.

    Incorporating date Picker in jqGrid is done via setDatepicker method which is described into the docs. Below is the description:


    Construct a pop up calender used in the grid. The datepicker can be used in the editing modules or/and in search module.


    • string $colname: (requiered) valid colname in colModel
    • array $options: – array with options for the datepicker. Can be all available options from jQuery UI datepicker in pair name=>value. In case of events a “js:” tag should be added before the value.
    • boolean $editing: determines if the datepicker should be used in editing modules. Deafult is true
    • boolean $seraching: determines if the datepicker should be present in the search module. Deafult is true.

    Example of using this command is in our demo site where a date picker is used. We have changed allmost all example containing data picker.


    In common rules the date picker should be used the same way as the jQuery UI autocomplete. If you are in this case , please let me know, I will prepare personally some example without grid, so that it is know how to use it.


    Best Regards,


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by tony.
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