We have just begin this project – remember that this is new re written of the code . We expect base module to be ready for testing end of January 2016.
Sorry that we do not post our final decision here.
Actually what is TypeScript?
As per definition : TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, that compiles to plain JavaScript
Actually when we have a TypScript code we compile it to JavaScript again, so the final result is the same.
We have made a long discussion and have made a decision to stop for now writing TypeScript code for jqGrid. This will cost us too much (note that we are small company).
If we begin to write jqGrid from the beginning we will definitely use TypeScript, but to do the inverse to have the same as we have – it will cost us too much.
Hope I express myself clear.
For now we stop with this and I can not commit to any ceratain date when we will have TypeScript jqGrid
Thank you for your response. Well… I don’t really understand your reasons. Just to be clear too : I wasn’t asking you to entirely port JQGrid to typescript (even if I don’t think this is such a huge amount of work as you can go gradually and first focus on the more frequently used “public” surface).
I was looking for an official “jqgrid.d.ts” (a definitions only file) supporting a recent version of the library. Those found on “DefinitelyTyped” seems very light and a little too old as the header indicates the 1.3 version of the JQGrid plugin.