Thank you for your reply,
I had actually implemented this solution but there was a conflict with two tags “FORM”.
It’s almost perfect now.
If I use the following code:
$javascriptnewForm_c = <<< JSCFORM_C
setTimeout( function() {
var data_c = $(“#newForm_considerant”).val();
tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#newForm_considerant”, height: 300, statusbar: false, menubar: false,
language: “fr_FR”,
plugins: ‘print’,
browser_spellcheck : true,
toolbar: ‘bold italic | alignleft alignjustify | superscript | bullist | cut copy paste | print’});
tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#newForm_motif_appel”, ‘readonly’:’readonly’, height: 80, max_height: 120, min_height: 80, statusbar: false, menubar: false, toolbar: false});
var data_c = $(“#newForm_motif_appel”).val();
}, 300);
The displayed data is correct.
Note that the command ” tinymce.get(‘newForm_considerant’).setContent(data_c);” is in comment.
But if I use the following code:
$javascriptnewForm_c = <<< JSCFORM_C
setTimeout( function() {
var data_c = $(“#newForm_considerant”).val();
tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#newForm_considerant”, height: 300, statusbar: false, menubar: false,
language: “fr_FR”,
plugins: ‘print’,
browser_spellcheck : true,
toolbar: ‘bold italic | alignleft alignjustify | superscript | bullist | cut copy paste | print’});
tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#newForm_motif_appel”, ‘readonly’:’readonly’, height: 80, max_height: 120, min_height: 80, statusbar: false, menubar: false, toolbar: false});
var data_c = $(“#newForm_motif_appel”).val();
}, 300);
The displayed data is incorrect :
Note that the command ” tinymce.get(‘newForm_considerant’).setContent(data_c);” is not in comment.
In this case, the second ‘textarea’ will display the tags (<p>, </ p>,
, ….>)
Have you an idea ?
Best regards