if you expand the subgrid the column that exceed in width is not displayed correctly
I tried autowidth on the first column but it does not work.
as soon as i reorder columns button click does not work anymore
Click colMenu -> freeze ID. Id should freeze. now if you click colmenu you see again freeze ID instead of “unfreeze id”. Do it a third time and id column will change position and go after the name column.
I do not see pager buttons in the subgrid.
I cannot reproduce it here because autofit is not working but on my pc autofit (using bootstrap) does not work correctly. a column that has inside a long number like 19020001649 get trimmed and loses last 2 numbers.
2. I can not understand. The subgrid exceed the columns of the grid and not the visible columns. In case the grid width is smaller or equal to the visible columns you will see the correct scrolling.
3. There is no option autowidth on column. This option is applicable on the grid. When set to the subgrid it work correct. See the demo.
4. The click event is not atached correct when a formatter is used. To resolve the problem You should attach the click event in gridComplete event or use onclick property when define a button. See the demo.
5. Frozen columns does not work when subgrid is on See the limitations here
We have fixed theis problem disabling the freeze item when subgrid, treegrid or celledit are on.
6. The behavior is performed from the responsive option, which is set globally on all grids. As you know we devide the pager on 3 equal parts. In your case there is no room for all the pager buttons and other parts of the pager. (This is new behaviour from version 5.4). in order to solve the problem we have added new grid option forcePgButtons which creates the buttons instead of the above conditions – see the demo.
7. We can not reproduce. Can you please prepare a demo and send it to us. Maybe using rem untit as described below will solve the problem.
Important note. At end we highly recommend you to use rem for the font size instead of em. When using the second one every subgrid is created with reduced fontsize. The differences about using rem or em is described here
first of all thank you so much for your answers and for the fixes.
It is fixed on firefox but not on Chrome (for example)
I’ll try to explain better. Check my example on jsfiddle. Expand row 1 and you will see that the subgrid is wider than the main grid, which is fine. but it’s not very “nice” to see that half of the column is gray, the exceeding part is white. also I can see the vertical margin of the main grid “cutting” the “name” column which it’s not correct I think. subgrid should go “on top”, shouldn’t it?
Check my example on jsfiddle. I added “autosize” in the column and “autoResizing” in the grid. but it does not autoresize anything. Even your demo does not autoresize to me. I am talking about columns not the whole grid. I even try to double click the margin of the column but it does not do anything.
Thank you for that.
Great, thanks.
Good to know, thanks.
This is related to nr 2, column autowith (not grid but column) in nr. 2 I say that I cannot make column autowidth work on jsfiddle. Here i’m saying that on my pc i can make it work but it does not work correctly. a number like 19020012465 looses it’s last numbers. I would like to show you but first I need column autowidth to work on jsfiddle.
1 Some time I forgot to test in all browsers. It is fixed now in both browsers.
2. I think you mix grid width with summary column width. In your example you have 3 columns which summary width of the column is little than the entire grid box width. This is the reason that your subgrid look like this. If your entrie grid box width is equal or smaller that the summary column width you will see the correct subgrid. Witrh other words subgrid take care of the grid box width. If you remove the altRows option you will not see the subgrid divided in two colors.
3. In your example the autosize does not work since the width of the data is about 7 pixel. The minimal column width is se with grid option. I can not remember the value of it.
7. I was able to reproduce your problem in Bootstrap setting a bigger number in the data. Will see how to fix it. Will
8. Thank you for the translation. I will publish it with the autosize fix.
probably you were still releasing because now I see some changes and some other problems too:
if the width of content of the cell is lower than the name of the column the width should be based on the name of the column
the button really does come up bad…width is not handled correctly and paddings are 0.
check for example the first column, I really think the right padding should be the same of left padding. Of course if the longest is the cell header the right padding should be the same of the left padding of the header.
1 . This should be discussed. Suppose your column name is relative long, but you have small data in cell – what will be in this case? Not sure that this will be implemented.
2. Sure the calculation is based on the text and not on the padding of the html element within the cell. The procedure of calculating such thing is really heavy and suppose you have 2-3k rows – this will be incredible slow. We use the quick way. It really is a compromise, but our primary goal is speed.
Also, please try to consider what I suggested regarding the header.
I would like to use this new function but I cannot because the grid in my project starts empty and it displays all the columns name truncated. It’s really bad to see.
Hint: The option autosize in colModel is dynamically – i.e initially you can first make this option false and after you initial loading you can set it to true in that columns that needed it – using setColProp method.
In our terms it is better to tell us the problem that you need to solve.