I recently upgraded to PHP 8.09 and noticed my jqGrids were not working. They worked on all previous versions of PHP. After some investigation, I found that the demo code uses a PHP class object $responce which does not exist or has not been instantiated. the code fails with “Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property “page” on null ”
The code is based on the trirand server demo code code for loading JSON data from a MySQL server.
Please see “A number of warnings have been converted into Error exceptions” at https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration80.incompatible.php
All of this means the jqGrid demo code on trirand will fail using PHP 8+. There doesn’t appear to be a php.ini setting to turn these exceptions off. Please let me know what the best approach would be to work around this problem. If you could provide some code using $responce as an array that would help.
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