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I was recently working on setting inline editing for my SharePoint list and wanted to enable rich text editing for one of my list columns. I’ve utilized JQGrid inline editing and every thing is working fine except i couldn’t enable RTE (rich text editing) for my textarea column. I tried integrating CKEditor MiceEdit and other controls to convert my textarea with RTE functionality but nothing seems to work.Â
I was wondering if JQGrid supports or can integrate RTE functionality while using Inline editing so would appreciate any help in regards to the functinality.
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
We have successfully use tinymce with custom element and custom value function.
Here is a fragment which work fine in form edit. Just try it in inline edit:
{ “name”:”ShipAddress”,
    “custom_element”:function( value }, options) {
      var elm = $(‘‘);
      elm.val( value );
      // give the editor time to initialize
      setTimeout( function() {
         tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#ShipAddress”});
      }, 100);
      return elm;
    “custom_value”:function( element, oper, gridval) {
         if(oper === ‘get’) {
            return tinymce.get(‘ShipAddress’).getContent({format: ‘row’});
         } else if( oper === ‘set’) {
            if(tinymce.get(‘ShipAddress’)) {
               tinymce.get(‘ShipAddress’).setContent( gridval );
Try it and let me know if this work in inline edit.
Thanks for your response, I integrated the code but it seems it is not adding the custom element of type textarea to the JQGrid.
Do you think i might be missing anything in terms of required code?
Thanks in advance
I was missing editable:true hence it didn’t show the text area editable, but now it showing up. However i still don’t see TinyMice edit tool bar on my inline editing on JQGrid. It is just showing like normal text areaÂ
Your feedback is appreciated.
Did you have included the tinymce javascrip files. I’m going to test this.
I see where is the problem. – the id of editable cell is not the same as in form edit.
Below is the modified code, which works for me:
{ “name”:”ShipAddress”,
     “custom_element”:function( value }, options) {
       var elm = $(‘‘);
       elm.val( value );
       // give the editor time to initialize
       setTimeout( function() {
           tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#” + options.id});
       }, 100);
       return elm;
     “custom_value”:function( element, oper, gridval) {
           var id = element[0].id;
           if(oper === ‘get’) {
               return tinymce.get( id ).getContent({format: ‘row’});
           } else if( oper === ‘set’) {
               if(tinymce.get( id )) {
                   tinymce.get( id ).setContent( gridval );
Thanks a lot it did work! i accidentally missed out one change. Is it possible to  alter the behavior or “Enter” for the text area for new line as it is used by my JQGrid for saving contents
Thanks a lot for your help!
Your problem is here:
editoptions:{custom_element:function( value , options) {
var elm = $(‘‘);
elm.val( value );
// give the editor time to initialize
setTimeout( function() {
tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#CommentsRestrictions”});
}, 100);
Please look all my code carfully.
Change this to
editoptions:{custom_element:function( value , options) {
var elm = $(‘‘);
elm.val( value );
// give the editor time to initialize
setTimeout( function() {
tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#” + options.id});
}, 100);
Another question i have is regarding the saved behavior of JQGrid. I want to show the saved values refreshed on the last row when he clicks another row which is not happening right now.
I tried integrating the tinymce RTE on the JQGrid for inline editing. I’m currently an issue of refresh when the user click on textarea column (it first loads the textarea and then shows the tinymce RTE control) which is very annoying for our users. I was wondering if i can bind the tnymce RTE control in some other event or change some other options to make it seamless.
I also want to customize the options on tinymce control to only few buttons like bold, italic, underline etc. I was wondering if that is possible.
I’m attaching my code for reference and thanks a bunch in advance for your inputs.
function buildgrid() {
      var grid = jQuery(“#Northwinds”);
      var gridData;
          url: ‘/sites/cats/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/TSCMaster’,
          datatype: ‘json’,
          sortable: true,
          rownumbers: false,
          jsonReader: {
              root: “d.results”,
              repeatitems: false
            success: function(data){
         var $self = $(this);
                 setTimeout(function () {
                 }, 50);
      afterSubmit: function () {
            $(this).jqGrid(“setGridParam”, {datatype: ‘json’});
            return [true];
          colNames: [” “, “Script Page”, “Scene #”, “Item Description”, “Comments/Restrictions”,”url”,”etag”],
          colModel: [
      {name: ‘myac’, width:80, fixed:true, sortable:false, resize:false, formatter:’actions’,
              name: ‘ScriptPage’,
              editable: true,
              sortable: true,
              index: ‘ScriptPage’,
         search: false,
              width: 75},
              name: ‘SceneNumber’,
              editable: true,
              sortable: true,
         search: false,
              index: ‘SceneNumber’,
              width: 75},
              name: ‘ItemDescription’,
              editable: true,
              sortable: true,
              index: ‘ItemDescription’,
              width: 300},
         width :600,
         editoptions:{custom_element:function( value , options) {
             var elm = $(‘‘);
             elm.val( value );
             // give the editor time to initialize
             setTimeout( function() {
                 tinymce.init({selector: “textarea#” + options.id
             }, 0);
             return elm;
              custom_value:function( element, oper, gridval) {
         var id = element[0].id;
                 if(oper === ‘get’) {
                  return tinymce.get(id).getContent({format: ‘row’});
                 } else if( oper === ‘set’) {
                   if(tinymce.get(id)) {
                      tinymce.get(id).setContent( gridval );
               { Â
         name: ‘__metadata.uri’, Â
         editable: false,
         hidden: true,
         width: 400},
               { Â
         name: ‘__metadata.etag’, Â
         editable: false,width: 100,
         hidden: true}],
          onSelectRow: function(id) {
                 var rowData = $(“#Northwinds”).getRowData(id);
                 var newUrl = rowData;
                  ‘editurl’: newUrl
              if (id && id !== lastSel) {
                  lastSel = id;
              $(“#Northwinds”).editRow(id, true, null, null);
      serializeRowData: function(postdata) { //USED ON EDIT
                 var x = JSON.stringify(postdata);
                 return x;
          ajaxRowOptions: { // USED ON EDIT
                 contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’,
                 datatype: ‘json’,
                 mtype: ‘POST’,
                 async: true,
              beforeSend: function(jqXHR, settings) {
                  grid = $(“#Northwinds”).jqGrid(); // get the selected row
                  this.selectedRow = grid.jqGrid(‘getGridParam’, ‘selrow’); // add the selected row to the ajax object so we can get at in in the callback
                  var etag = grid.jqGrid(‘getCell’, this.selectedRow, ‘__metadata.etag’);
                  jqXHR.setRequestHeader(“X-HTTP-Method”, “MERGE”);
                  jqXHR.setRequestHeader(“If-Match”, etag);
                  var postdata = $.parseJSON(settings.data);
                  delete postdata; // dont send operation to the server
                  delete postdata; // dont send operation to the server
                  delete postdata[“__metadata.etag”];
                  delete postdata[“__metadata.uri”];
                  settings.data = JSON.stringify(postdata);
              }, Â
      success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                  // requery the resource to get the new etag // this is due to a bug in ie that drops all headers associated with an h204
                  var selectedRow = this.selectedRow;
                         beforeSend: function(jqXHR, settings) { // need to pass the selectedRow to the second (nested callback)
                            this.selectedRow = selectedRow;
                      async: false,
                      contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’,
                      datatype: ‘json’,
                      url: this.url,
                      success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                          var etag = jqXHR.getResponseHeader(“ETag”);
                          $(“#Northwinds”).jqGrid(“setCell”, this.selectedRow, “__metadata.etag”, etag); // update the etag on the selected row
      loadComplete: function (data) {
            //setSearchSelect(grid, griddata, ‘Category’, ‘eq’);      Â
      pager: “#pager”,  Â
          rowNum: 1000,
      rowList: [10, 50, 100, 500, ‘All’],
      height: ‘auto’,
      reloadAfterSubmit: true,
      viewrecords: true,
      gridview: true, // insert all the data at once (speedy)
      caption: ‘Theatrical Clearance List’
Your questions are related to tinymce editor.
I think you should ask these questions in another forum
 thanks a bunch in advance for your inputs.
You are wellcome!
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