I’m currently working on a project which used jqGrid version 3.6.0, but I’m struggling with the parts related to accessibility and I was considering upgrading the version of the library. So far i’m having problems finding the documentation and demos related to accessibility behaviours, can you help me? I need a table that allows keyboard navigation and I need buttons for the editing etc, so far I only found this demo http://guriddo.net/demo/guriddojs/functionality/keyb_navigation/ and not much else 🙁 I also read that the aria attributes are available, but i didn’t understood how to implement them :/ And the others demos I checked (ex. http://www.guriddo.net/demo/guriddojs/) have some accessibility issue, so I don’t understand if I can use this library and obtain a fully accessible table with all the functionalities that I need or not.
Can you point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
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