Guriddo jqGrid JS version 5.6.0 is released
We are glad to announce the new release of Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript version 5.6.0.
This version is a minor release and add improvements in CSS styling (Bootstrap 5 support), aria grid, excel like grid navigaion and frozen columns improvements. The version has a numerous bug fixes. Below is the full list of all changes, bug fixes and additions.
Additions and Updates
- Add support for Bootstrap5
- Add method excelLikeGrid to simulate editing and key navigation like Excel Documentation
- Add event onFrozenColumnsCall which is triggered every time the method setFrozenColumns is called
- Adding new option in colModel labelClasses, which add custom classes to the labels in the grid.
- Replace javascrip eval function in all jqGrid code
- Improve ariaGrid and cellEdit to work better together
- Remove deprecated :eq and :first from setRowData method and replace it with .eq()
- Add customCellAction event in ariaGrid which raises when the user press key different from the predefined one up, down and etc.
- Update package.json to include the repository
- Add new common parameter frozenColCount to indicate the number of frozen columns when set
- Add Support for cell editing when ariaGrid and excelLikeGrid method(s) are activated.
- Add method getLastVisibleCol to get the index of last visible col
- Method setCell now support frozen columns.
- Method delRowData now support frozen columns
- Method setRowData now support frozen columns
- Add new method groupingInit, which set the grouping parameters to initial state.
- Add In groupingRemove method second parameter, which if set to true destroy all the grouping data
- Adding common function $.jgrid.isNull
Bug fixes
- Fix misalignment of columns when frozen columns and grouped headers
- Fix frozen columns in case scrollOffset will be set manually
- Fix for multi-select plugin remove all button, to work correct after the second click
- Fix adding classes property to the invisible first row in the grid – class=firstrow.
- Fix set predefined custom style in export to excel.
- Fix in addRowData method when no not rows in the grid
- Fix resizeGrid method when grid height is set to auto
- Fix hide no records row when emptyRecordRow is false
- Fix scrollbar in case no data and resizeGrid is called
- Fix saveRow to pass correct parameter in custom formatter when edit type is select
- Fix position of alert box in form edit in case the grid has height auto or 100%
- Fix refershFilterToolbar method to take in account the index from colModel
- Fix – do not create frozen divs and multiple calls of frozen columns without to destroy it first
- Fix setLabel method to work correct when column menu is enabled
- Fix colMenuBeforeProcess to be called in customMenu actions
- Fix for sortable (remapColumns method) to correct reorder grouping cells, when grouping is activated.
Enjoy the new version
Happy coding
Guriddo jqGrid Team
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