Guriddo jqGrid JS version 5.5.4 is released
We are happy to inform you that the new release of Guriddo jqGrid JS version 5.5.4 is released. This is bug fix release, but add a full support of jQuery 3.5.X, has numerous important fixes and add a very useful additions. Below is the list of additions and bug fixes.
Additions and Updates
- Add new feature combined search – to combine search results in different searching modules. Added two new parameters – mergeSearch (boolen) and searchModules (object). See searching in documentation.
- Add two parameters to resizeGrid to enable responsibility on width and/or height
- $.jgrid.parseDate now can be used without to be applied to a grid object. Added new option parameter for validation
- Add colModel sizingStringFunc which is a user defined function to calculate the max width of column value. Parameters to it are cell value, font, options and row data object. Should return the width of cell value.
- Add grid event colMenuBeforeProcess to be executed before any action in any column menu defined. Parameters passed to it are module, action, and column name
Bug Fixes
- Fix no records message in frozen columns
- Fix group headers in case of autoresize is applied with double click
- Fixes for position dialog s (edit, view, search) when rtl is on and recreateForm is false
- Disable searching in filterToolbar when press special keys like alt, ctrl and etc. and autosearch is enabled.
- Fix exports in grouping
- Fix setGridWidth method when shrinkToFit parameter is set to false
- Fix getCol and getRowData methods in case of no records message appear.
- Replace the deprecated jQuery.isArray with Array.isArray
- Replace deprecated jQuery.isFunction with $.jgrid.isFunction
- Replace deprecated jQuery.type with $.jgrid.type
- Replace deprecated jQuery :first with first()
- Fix autoresizing when hidden columns are present.
- Fix frozen columns in certain situation when the first columns are hidden
- Fix icon position left in bootstrap4
- Replace deprecated jQuery :eq with eq()
- Replace deprecated jQuery :last with last()
- Replace deprecated :gt with slice
- Replace jQuery $.trim with $.jgrid.trim
- Fix pager when RTL.
- Fix transparency of header and footer rows in Boostrap4
- Fix frozen columns in various situations
Enjoy the new version
Happy coding
Guriddo jqGrid Team
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