Guriddo TreeGrid PHP extends the Guriddo jqGrid PHP so that it allow to build edit and query different tree models. In this respect, TreeGrid PHP is the most advanced class and requires the minimal amount of coding. Note that all server side operations are handled from the component. The PHP developer should only write the configuration. The component is a bonus module to the Guriddo jqGrid PHP.
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Guriddo TreeGrid PHP is written in pure PHP. This means that the class can be integrated in any PHP framework including Zend, Cake PHP, Doctrine PHP and much more.
The PHP component automatically handles data retrieval, sorting and all CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete). No need for custom code – you can have a fully functional grid with just a few lines of PHP
Up to the moment Guriddo Treegrid PHP Supports the following Databases: AdoDB wrapper, Array data, IBM DB2, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Serrver, MySQLi, ODBC, Oracle, PDO (with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server)
Browser support is an important part of our grid. Guriddo support all modern mobile and desktop browsers including the iPhone/iPad and Internet Explorer from version 8. Browser support reference is tested regularly with all major browsers.
TreeGrid supports both the Nested Set model and the Adjacency model. These can be easy configured with tree grid model.
We support different type of loading the tree nodes: Auto-load nodes is a way to show quick tree items – this is know as load on demand via ajax for speed; We can load all the nodes at once, but collapsed ; We can load nodes at once, but expanded for better view
The look and feel of TreeGrid can be customized easy and can meet almost every user requirement. We can have a fixed height; icons can be changed; we support dynamic icons which can come from the data and much more…
TreeGrid has a lot of useful functionalities like keyboard navigation (Up, Down, Left, Right keys), actions when a node is selected, a set of methods which can make a custom development easy. It is easy simulate a simple tree view.
With TreeGrid it is easy to add , edit and delete nodes. We support this using the both Adjacency and nested set models. Note that we can do in visual manner using our Form editing module.
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