Guriddo PivotGrid JS is a component that you can use with Guriddo jqGrid to create a pivot grid. PivotGrid JS inherits the Guriddo jqGrid, so you can use most of the features you are already familiar with: column resizing, formatter, cell renderers, row/cell events etc. The PivotGrid JS can be used when you want to get summation and pivot features that aren’t provided in the Guriddo jqGrid. This component is included as a part of Guriddo jqGrid JS and is a bonus to the package.
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Browser support is an important part of our grid. Guriddo PivotGrid support all modern mobile and desktop browsers including the iPhone/iPad and Internet Explorer from version 8. Browser support reference is tested regularly with all major browsers.
If you want to use Guriddo PivotGrid JS for a personal website or a non-profit organisation, you don’t need the author’s permission, just go on and use Guriddo PivotGrid JS. For commercial websites and projects, see License and Pricing.
Independent of the license of Guriddo PivotGrid JS, free or not, you are allowed to download the source code and make your own edits. This allows for personal modifications and a great flexibility.
Basic pivot require minimal settings. To break down the dataset into simple summary, you just have to configure the xDimention object.
Multiple levels are supported, so you can just specify them in the y and x Dimensions. Grouping the rows and/or columns is done automatically when two or more levels are set in xDimension and/or yDimension. Now that you broke down the dataset on the y and x Dimension, it’s time to aggregate the cell values. Several kinds of aggregations are available including: sum, min, max, count etc. Future release will provide your own aggregation function.
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