First of all thank you for look on this and perform a testing.
When downloading from github you will need to replace only 3 files
ui.jqgrid.css (or ui.jqgrid-bootstrap.css if Bootstrap is used)
the appropriate language file.
For testing purpose you can replace the minified jquery.jqGrid.min.js with the sourcecode jquery.jqGrid.js
I can’t imagine how can I order a cake and can’t it.!
This was a small chalnge for me, but actually the idea is to change thed data type to local before searching and put it back after the search is done. I have implemented this using the two events beforeSearch and afterSearch (suppose you use filter toolbar)
Here is the demo, which I have prepared for this purpose: Link to demo
In the demo I use beforeRequest to change the json data file – so this is not connected with our problem.
Unfortunately I can not reproduce the problem when we initially serch and after this we perform a sort. It will be very good if you can provide a simple test case with data.
Please let us know if there is a problem.
Kind Regards,