we are using jqgrid version v5.0.1
jquery version v2.1.4
jquery ui version v1.11.4
Thank you Will!
Also, I noticed when in inline edit and there is a validation error – it produces a regular browser alert instead of ui dialog. I have editrules:{required:true}
Is there any way for it use the ui dialog instead?
yes, please use them in the article and in your demo package.
Here’s couple of things I added – don’t know if it is the right way to do
here’s the demo
Look at the demo
This is awesome! thank you Tony for the tutorial. I tried to add a comment to the article, it seemed like it submitted the comment but when I went back the comment was gone. I don;t know if I need to logged in.
One thing I would like to add for usability reasons, if there was way to open the picker model with grid when user clicks in the cell or tabs into the cell.
The picker should hide if user goes into another editable cell and destroyed with user presses the escape key or editing is complete.
To accomplish would I use dataEvents?
Hope this makes sense.
Thank you Will!
I will check the knowledge base when you have example available online.
Thank you, it works now
Thank you for your response Tony!
Thanks for your efforts.
Thank you Tony!
I have not made any fixes, just reporting what was on github. The error I mentioned above is from firebug console.
This the XML output from the server
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rows><page>0</page><total>0</total><records>0</records></rows>
Downloaded the the latest from Github and it is now working
I tried your suggestion from email but did not work
Also, the only thing that works is the remove all button in the column chooser.
don’t know if this helps to troubleshoot.
Hello Will,
I will send the link – however do not want to post it here in the forum as it part of a larger application
Is there an email address I can send it to ?
Thank you Will! will test it out.
Hello Will,
I am Guriddo JS licensed user – I downloaded the latest jqGrid-master.zip from Github, cleared the browser cache, but the issue still exists.
The column chooser opens up, if I add or remove columns and click ok, nothing happens.
there are no errors in the console either.
Is it somehow related to this change in 5.0
Please advise,
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