<p>Thank you Will! Appreciate your input, will try it out.</p><p> </p><p>Kris</p>
<p>Thank you Will. </p><p>It is not about creating a method, but having a button show on the navgrid whenever any grid is rendered without having to add it with every grid. For example, would like to add a button for export to excel automatically similar to refresh, edit, add, delete which always shows on the navgrid.</p><p>Kris</p>
Thank you Will!
Just want to see if it possible to get – filtered data
Thank you!. I apologize I missed this. This looks very promising.
Only problem I see that the return field is preset. Is it possible to may have a function that can be customized onSelect, this is because sometimes similar to select id need to be set and value displayed to the user.
Can the combo grid be set then the edittype is select – this is where it would be extremely helpful.
1. When the select is empty that is when user selects to open the dropdown, combo grid shows and user selects and it sets the id and value of edittype select element and saves in case of cell edit
2. when the select has a value selected, then somehow need to pass the id to combo grid so when it load it will show in combo grid as selected.
Hope this makes sense,
Yes, I knew about that solution, wanted it to more seamless..
Thank you! look forward to hearing from you.
<p>Thank you Will! Really appreciate your help.</p>
<p>Hello Will,</p><p>Thats great subGridRowExpanded – I can add multiple subgrid one below the other. This however is not feasable usability wise as it requires user to scroll a lot. I was wondering if there is possiblility – so I can another column with (+) that triggers subGridRowExpanded – so that different subgrid can be shown conditionally – this way user can choose which subgrid to see.</p><p>Let me know if there is a way,</p><p>Kris</p>
<p>Thank you</p>
Thank you Will! appreciate the example.
How can we use this will cell edit – where user picks that color and saves the cell. I have tried to use spectrum color picker plugin – like below and apply the style to the background of cell when saved.
dataInit: function(el) {
preferredFormat: “hex”,
Thank you Will! this works for now.
Thank you for quick response Will!
May be quick work around will be having a utility function checking the rowObject if xml or json object.
As always, Thank you Will!
Not sure what you mean, xml data does not contain a “$” symbol in the data. $ symbol seems to be from the formatter used
formatter:’currency’,formatoptions:{decimalSeparator:’.’,thousandsSeparator: ‘,’,decimalPlaces:2,prefix:’$’}
ok. will try the replace_format
Posting to the forum, is not properly working. I posted an issue regarding excel export and dollar sign – but it does not show in the forum at all – it says it is pending moderation.
could you please check
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