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  • in reply to: sortableRows after Drag and Drop #126568

    Hello Murray,


    I just checked – in the current implementation in the jqGrid of the methods provided from jQuery UI it is not possible to have at the same time drag and drop and sortable in the same grid.


    Reason for this is that for drag and drop we use drag-able and droppable, while for sortable we use sortable


    To have booth we need to have to use only sortable like in the example

    More on this problem can be found here


    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Filter/Search Issues #126566

    Hello Thomas,

    Unfortunately we do not have fixed this issue. The problem is that when we fix this the sorting will be destroyed.


    Currently we search solution which will meet these two requirements.


    Thank you for your patience. Personally I will let you know when we fix the problem.


    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Subgrid data does not display #126564



    The subgrid will never execute since you have a error in the subgrid.


    You put a wrong direction to config file in sbgrid.php. Make it the same as in grid.php – i.e




    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: sortableRows after Drag and Drop #126563



    Currently I do not check this , but why do you use sortable and not the build in method sortableRows


    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Downloading doesn't work today ! #126562



    Thank you for let us know about these problems.

    Permanently we have problems with the site. We work on the problem and will fix it ASAP.

    I have fixed the captcha. Please let us know if you have any problems with it.


    Thank you again for this notes.


    Kind Regards


    in reply to: Subgrid data does not display #126558

    This is strange. I will try to reproduce the code you post and see the problem.
    One note until I prepare a demo – I do not see a setting of the primary Key of the parent grid, which maybe causes the problem.
    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Save to database ondrop #126555



    Thank you very much for posting a solution to the problem.

    Much appreciated.


    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: export to excel #126554

    Hello Kris,

    Thank you for the recommendation
    We will try to add this feature until to the end on this month.

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Wiki Missing Documentation #126551


    Sorry for the inconvenience. The Guriddo documentation is much better and is preferred one. We will fix the problem ASAP.

    Kind Regards

    in reply to: Datepicker in search dialog #126477


    You have the correct command, but why do you set the id parameter of the callendar. When you set $(element).datepicker({..}); the element is used and no id is needed.
    The correct PHP way is to use setDatepicker command – please look at this demo

    Docs here.

    The PHP docs are here

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: OnCellSelect #126474

    Before to answer of the direct problems I need to do some notes.
    1. We recommend to use the jqGrid version where the problem persist. You tell us for version 5.2.1, but you use 4.6, which we think can come to some uncomfortable situations.
    2. It is always good idea to set id row – this can be done either in the description of the colModel (key : true) or with the appropriate reader in this case localReader. When you set this you will be sure that there will be not a problems getting certain row and some other important commands. It is not good idea to let the grid create the ids.
    Now to the problem : to do what you want you should use the getLocalRow, which return the data as it comes to the grid – i.e the original data.
    In your case there was a bug when scroll is on and no id is set from the developer (i.e. the grid creates internally the id). The problem is fixed in GitHub and you can test it.
    If you have difficulties to get the last build from GitHub, please let us know.
    Kind Regards

    in reply to: Presales questions #126395



    Thank you for the interest on our product. Below are the answers of your questions.


    1. Yes it is possible. Suppose you have your own ajax then knowing the row id and column name the cell can be updated and it is possible to set a class, style properties or attributes. The method is called setCell. More on the method you can read here in our docs


    2. No – you will need to apply your own ajax. Suppose the Drag and  Drop rows build in jqGrid method is used one possible solution is to use ondrop event.


    3. Yes there is. Look at this demo


    4. Unfortunately we don’t accept payment with bitcoin

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: jQuery Migrate warning #126278

    Hello Kris,


    Thank you again for this fix. To be a honest – none of both should be stay – we always need Unobtrusive JS and Progressive enhancement. In the past I have remove all the href=’#’ and href=’javascript:void(0) – not sure why this is inserted now.


    Thank you again.


    Here is the fix


    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: jQuery Migrate warning #126275

    Hello Kris,


    Thank you very much for post this problem.


    I have fixed the problem in GitHub here


    Can you please check the new build and let us know if everything is OK.


    Thank you.


    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: custom items in column menu #126271

    Hello Kris,


    As promised, we have added a possibility to add a custom column menu.


    We have added two methods: colMenuAdd and colMenuDelete.

    colMenuAdd has the following parameters

    colMenuAdd( colname, options);

    colname (string) should correspond to colname in colModel, where the menu will be added. If the special word all is set the colMenu item will be added to all columns.


    options   (object) – default values of this object are:



    title – text which will appear in menu
    icon – icon associated with this item
    funcname – the function name to be executed – NOTE tha this should be a valid function name and not a string. The item can not be set as
    funcname : function() {…},
    but as
    funcname : myfunction,
    where myfunction is a defined before function. You can use this in the defined function to refer to jqGrid object and can obtain all parameters of the grid.
    position – can be first or last
    closeOnRun – when true menu will be closed after the custom function (funcname) is executed.
    exclude – string – columns on which the menu will not be added when the colname is set to all. To exclude more columns use a comma.
    id uniquie string to identify the menu. It is preferd way to add this optuion if you plan to delete dynamically a menu. If not set the method use a random id to set it.


    colMenuDelete( id ) – dynamically remove a defined menu. The parameter id should be equal of those defined in id options parameter in colMenuAdd


    Please let us know if there is a problem or you have notes on the method.


    Thank you.

    Kind Regards,

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