It is possible to define default options for all columns when they are created.
In the example we demonstrate how the all fields can not be sortable.
By default all fields are sortable.
require_once '../../../../php/demo/tabs3.php';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>jqGrid PHP Demo</title>
<!-- The jQuery library is a prerequisite for all jqSuite products -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../../../../js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- We support more than 40 localizations -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../../../../js/trirand/i18n/grid.locale-en.js"></script>
<!-- This is the Javascript file of jqGrid -->
<script type="text/ecmascript" src="../../../../js/trirand/jquery.jqGrid.min.js"></script>
<!-- This is the localization file of the grid controlling messages, labels, etc.
<!-- A link to a jQuery UI ThemeRoller theme, more than 22 built-in and many more custom -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- The link to the CSS that the grid needs -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="../../../../css/trirand/ui.jqgrid-bootstrap.css" />
$.jgrid.defaults.width = 780;
$.jgrid.defaults.responsive = true;
$.jgrid.defaults.styleUI = 'Bootstrap';
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div style="margin-left:20px">
<?php include ("grid.php");?>
<?php tabs(array("grid.php"));?>
require_once '../../jq-config.php';
// include the jqGrid Class
require_once ABSPATH."php/PHPSuito/jqGrid.php";
// include the driver class
require_once ABSPATH."php/PHPSuito/DBdrivers/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShipName, Freight FROM orders';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
// define a model where all fields are not sortable,
// this setting overwrite the deafult one for all fields
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("OrderDate", array(
"formatoptions"=>array("srcformat"=>"Y-m-d H:i:s","newformat"=>"m/d/Y"),
$grid->setColProperty("ShipName", array("width"=>"200"));
// Enable navigator
$grid->navigator = true;
// Enable excel export
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("excel"=>false,"add"=>false,"edit"=>false,"del"=>false,"view"=>false));
// Enjoy
// Set summary field
$grid->renderGrid('#grid','#pager',true, $summaryrows, null, true,true);