Bug Tracker

Current Project: Guriddo jqGrid JS

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Version: 5.2 Guriddo jqGrid JS Anticipated release date: 2016-11-21
Warning: Undefined array key 3 in /home/guriddon/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bugerator/bugerator_show_map_tpl.php on line 47
Delay of column drag start so that user doesn't accidentally drag when attempting to click the heade Open 3
27 Bug Jqgrid filter toolbar clear search sets wrong default value Testing 3
20 Bug Column does not sort on the first click after dragging the column header and dropping it in the same Resolved 3
Version: 5.0 Guriddo jqGrid JS Release date: 2015-11-01
10 Bug edittype = select + multiple = true + dataurl return Cannot read property 'join' of null Assigned 3
Version: 4.8 Guriddo jqGrid JS Release date: 2015-04-07
15 Bug Virtual Load On Demand New 3
24 Bug Close multiple popup window New 3
3 Bug Event is raised only once when reloadOnExpand is true. Resolved 3
4 Bug pgtext not changing when reloading grid Resolved 3
6 Bug Previous expanded subgrid is expanded after reopening a expanded group Resolved 3
8 Bug 4.7.1 and 4.7.0 grid fails to render in MSIE 9 Resolved 3
9 Bug Column Chooser - Add All / Remove All links fail - MSIE 9, MSIE 11 Resolved 3
12 Bug dataEvents in searchoptions (colModel options) not working Resolved 3
18 Bug XSS vulnerability Resolved 3
21 Bug The fix for Issue #20 does not work in Firefox Resolved 3
23 Bug ExportToExcel: The columns with numbers are hidden in Excel file Resolved 3
2 Bug When building select dinamically the ajax request to dataUrl is called everytime edit form is opened Closed 3
7 Bug Adding subgrid row Closed 3
14 Bug jqTreeView not working when expand/collose too fast Closed 3
16 Bug afterSubmit doesn't work Closed 3
17 Bug Incorrect reload after delete Closed 3

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