Hello tony and everyone,
well I settled textarea and I'm using simple post with mysql_query and INSERT INTO. Plus I settled default_charset = “iso-8859-1” in php.ini but when I save to database and I look inside the database with phpmyadmin I see the text lost those characters like
No wait, resolved it since I understood how it worked the post parameter with httpfox (always this miracle of the mozilla :-D) but now I'd like to ask tony an issue:
I have implemented a SELECT where it creates a grid with different parameters, obviously I use jQuery(“#list”).GridUnload(); before to create the grid. BUT, when I click on Add Row or Edit row when I'm in a new grid, the formedit doesn't refresh too! I have to refresh the entire page to make it working… is there maybe a force parameter to refresh also the formedit with GridUnload()?
Thanks a lot Barry…
I never used HttpFox before but only Firebug…. and I find this HttpFox really really useful… just one little question…. when using a formedit which parameter of the function would make the formedit send submit's data to the .php file settled in the editurl parameter of the function?…..
Hello Barry,
excuse me if I'm going to ask you a thing….
I saw your examples, for curiosity, and I figured they returns results on the grid…did you just settled the parameter url in the function or did you had to load some .js to make the url parameter working correctly?
Because, while debugging my application I have this function for example:
Hello Tony,
everything’s ok there? 🙂
you mean something like creating an xmlhttprequest to a PHP file where to elaborate queries to database then returning a JSON array to split into colModel, right?…
Precisely I mean, I know there's the edittype thing with editoptions… but I'd like to know if I can pass a SELECT id, field1 FROM table in the editoptions?
This because I have a table with some id references; let's suppose:
SELECT id, description FROM table1
SELECT id, ref_id_table1, other FROM table2
and I'd like to put in the editing box a select which has the first SQL sentence so I can pass the appropriate ID to the ref_id_table1….
I hope my question is more clear now…and I'm asking if maybe someone knows a trick to allow that since in the PDF documentation I haven't found anything 🙂
Or, shall I have to add something like:
after those lines that loads jQuery.jqGrid.js, jqModal.js, jqDnR.js?
Uh? Isn't the Gridunload function included in the grid.custom.js loaded by the jqGridInclude() function?
In fact in that file I have this row enabled:
{ include: true, incfile:'grid.custom.js',minfile: 'min/grid.custom-min.js'}, //jqGrid custom
Plus I did a search word in all .js files and looks like only that file contains the Gridunload() function….
Hello maraki and Tony…
I'm trying to use the Gridunload function before to create the grid, I have set to true inside function jqGridInclude() to have availability of advanced functions of the grid with grid.custom.js but once the Gridunload() fires it says to me:
jQuery(“#list”).Gridunload is not a function
I loaded those scripts:
wp_enqueue_script('jq1', get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/js/jquery.jqGrid.js', array('jquery'));
wp_enqueue_script('jq2', get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/js/jqModal.js', array('jquery'));
wp_enqueue_script('jq3', get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/js/jqDnR.js', array('jquery'));
which they should be ok…. maybe I missed something? or some library to load?…
Ah ok! Last question: is it possible to create in the editing form something like a lookup combobox? Something like a combo where it lists description from a table but when selected, returns the ID of that description because it has to be saved in a column reference of the current table I am working on?…
Ciao, Luigi
Hello everyone…
ok I figured about fields editable and now I see them….
just a last thing: why if I submit a change of a value it keeps saying “url is not set”?…
in the examples of jqgrid_demo looks like it's automatic since first I thought it was depending from the someurl.php as the docs said but in the example someurl.php contains just only and nothing else and I can change the data anyway…
Maybe I have to write the database procedure to save data in that someurl.php or even in the .php file mentioned by editurl property?
Thanks to all in advance.
Figured out!!! YAY! Had to put complete url in the variable pathtojsfiles… I mean a path like http://……………../js/ then it worked! 🙂
thanks again! 🙂
tony said:
Open the jquery.jqgrid.js (where the loader is) and ajust the
paths to javascript files. Note that when you include the loader the
paths need to be ajusted relative to the directory from where
the loader is.
Hello again tony,
I put the jquery.jqgrid.js in the js directory with all the other .js files, then I adjusted the row you said as:
var pathtojsfiles = “”; <— since it is in the same directory or shall I have to put the complete URL like http://localhost/toscanoviaggi/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/js/?
then I made to load first the .js and then to call the init function with an HTML source code like as follow but it keeps returning me an error like “jQuery(“#list”).jqGrid is not a function”, why?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd“>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml“
Precisely I would say I put jqGrid inside a directory of WordPress's plugin I'm creating…. in the main .php of the plugin I put this:
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/jquery.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/jquery.jqGrid.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/js/jquery.splitter.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/js/jquery.jqTree.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/js/jquery.jqDynTabs.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/js/ui.datepicker.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script src="/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/js/styleswitch.js” type=”text/javascript”>
var gridimgpath = '/wp-content/plugins/toscanoviaggi/jqGrid/themes/basic/images';
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