I tried outside jsfiddle.
It’s almost all fine but I still see the horizontal scrollbar and the footer is gray.
The gray footer appears only if I set altRows: true in the main grid.
can you see it too?
may i ask which of the problem you solved?
It seems 1 is fixed and part of the 2, but I can’t see all the others.
For example, the footer is still gray, is it normal? on the main grid is white.
and i still the horizontal scrollbar.
5. if you set altRows: true the subgrid has the wrong colors. the footer and the header becomes gray
here I am again..sorry!
I added a subgrid.
I can see the following problems:
i don’t know if there’s more, this is what i found out so far.
I have updated the demo
yes you were right, sorry for that.
I deleted the cache, and updated the project and it works.
Thank you!
ok it works and i have updated the demo.
Thank you so much for all that.
but problem 3 is still present.
5. buttons in the edit form probably have the wrong fontAwesome icon
thank you!
I have updated the demo.
I will list the problem I have found so far:
i have updated the demo with your suggestion:
thank you for that.
thank you for all the answers.
3. I tried with 100, 120, 150. It’s almost centered but it’s not in the center.
Also, is it normal that when using buttons row height is that much or should it be smaller?
I will try to use formatters as you proposed, thank you for that.
thank you for answering.
yes you are right, I see most of the problems are fixed, thank you for that.
So now the problems are:
I can not find anything else for now.
I have updated the demo:
thank you!
did you have time to look into this?
thank you!
there’s a new one:
7. the x to clear the search toolbar is not vertically centered
I found something else.
If I change the font-size these are all the problems I see:
I updated the demo:
thank you
I think it would be great if you could automatically resize the edit form and it’s components inside if the page is smaller (for example in case of cellphones).
Right now that’s not happening, it’s not very “bootstrap”.
Is there any hope to have this?
thank you!
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