thank you!
I’m sorry I have one last question.
Is there a way to reduce row height?
I tried:
padding-top: 0.1rem;
padding-bottom: 0.1rem;
but it just changes padding top (no bottom).
Any ideas?
Ok thank you for the suggestion!
Also, please try to consider what I suggested regarding the header.
I would like to use this new function but I cannot because the grid in my project starts empty and it displays all the columns name truncated. It’s really bad to see.
thank you again.
Thank you.
for some reason your suggestion did not work but it worked this:
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-btable tbody tr.jqgrow td {
padding-right: 0.75rem;
Just to give you a second opinion: I program also in delphi and I use devexpress grid. Those grids function like that:
this is just to give you some ideas.
probably you were still releasing because now I see some changes and some other problems too:
what do you think?
i updated jsfiddle
thank you for answering me and for the great support.
However, I tried but I do not see it working. Could you check my jsfiddle? first column still have missing numbers
Thank you,
Thank you again.
Regarding .2 I understand what you’re saying.
But still, on a configuration like this, shouldn’t you something to fix the view?
Please check this attachment:!2JwWWSQL!QRFay4GIvaEQBgnrxoIxxxiWUFa079becJoDdCukEO8
i have added some notes
first of all thank you so much for your answers and for the fixes.
Thank you.
For some reason on jsfiddle grid do not appear until i resize the page, this do not happens in the real project. So if you do not see the grid, resize it and you will see the problem with the actions button.
Also, I found out the problem is with:
with that enabled, i have the problem. If I disable it everything works.
it works great! thanks!
thank you very much, i will try your suggestion!
i just downloaded and tried the lastest version on github.
It looks like everything is working now. I do not see the horizontal bar and it looks like I can’t reproduce the problem. If it happens again i will let your know.
For now I thank you very much for your time and help.
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