Sorry for late reply. Please see the my comments in below stack-overflow question for your question.
Thanks & Regards,
In my above comments(2nd), is there any way to suppress “0” from datetime value?
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks for your reply with good explanation.
I tried with all 3 options and below are my comments/observations. Also, srcformat: ‘U’ and srcformat:‘U/1000’ both are working for me.
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks Will for this solution. I will try this.
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks for the docs. This is what I was looking for. This unformat function working for custom formatter fields to send the original value while editing.
I have another question:
not able to send the value of non-editable columns to server. Suppose, my colModel contains 5 columns , among those I enabled editable option(editable: true) for only 4 columns and disabled for one column. For this non-editable column, it is passing as “null” value to server after edit and submit for all rows. Please provide any docs or solution for this.
Thanks & Regards,
Apologies for late reply as engaged with other important tasks. Having this issue only when I use formatter to that field. I tried without formatter, passing same grid value to server.
Thanks & Regards,
I am able to get grid param names like below at server side after making changes as per demo example.
Thanks, please close this post as resolved.
Below is the grid code:
$(“#ruleTable”).jqGrid({$(“#ruleTable”).jqGrid({ url: u, datatype: “json”, jsonReader: {repeatitems: true, id: “ref”}, colNames:[‘ID’, ‘Rule’,’Description’,’Business Process’, ‘Sub Process’, ‘Type’], colModel:[ {name :’id’,index:’id’, hidden:true, index : ‘id’, editable : false, key:true}, {name:’ruleName’,index:’ruleName’, formatter: ruleHyperLink}, {name:’ruleDescription’,index:’ruleDescription’}, {name:’businessProcess.name’,index:’businessProcess.name’}, {name:’subProc.name’,index:’subProc.name’}, {name:’ruleType.name’,index:’ruleType.name’} ], autowidth: true, rowNum:10, rowList:[10,20,30,50,100,150,200], height:250, pager: “#pagingDiv”, viewrecords: true, caption: “”, multipleSearch: true, multiselect:true, shrinkToFit:true }); $(“#ruleTable”).jqGrid(‘navGrid’,’#pagingDiv’, {search:true,add:false,edit:false,del:false,refresh: true,multipleGroup:true,}); $(“#ruleTable”).jqGrid(‘filterToolbar’,{stringResult: true,searchOnEnter : false}); $(“#deleteRule”).click(deleteRuleFunc); $(“#ruleTable”).jqGrid(‘navButtonAdd’, ‘#pagingDiv’, { caption: “”, buttonicon: “ui-icon-gear”, title: “Choose Columns”, onClickButton: function() { jQuery(“#ruleTable”).jqGrid(‘columnChooser’); } });
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