I’ve solution with my problem…
Adding tinyMCE remove will solve this…
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$custelm =<<<CUSTELM function( value, options) { var elm = $('<textarea></textarea>'); elm.val( value ); // give the editor time to initialize setTimeout( function() { try { tinymce.remove("#" + options.id); } catch(ex) {} tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea#SOAL" }); }, 100); return elm; } CUSTELM; |
My mistake…
you’ve already answer this before… with
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<div> <div>$grid->setExcelOptions(array(</div> <div>"file_type" => "Excel2007",</div> <div>"empty_date" => true,</div> <div>...</div> <div>));</div> <div> |
Thanks… it works…
any excel_format for date… it become ‘1970-01-01’ when null value.
Date |
01-January-1970 |
28-February-2022 |
01-January-1970 |
01-January-1970 |
01-January-1970 |
01-January-1970 |
01-January-1970 |
01-January-1970 |
Here’s the code :
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... $search = jqGridUtils::GetParam('_search','true'); if($search == 'true') { $from = jqGridUtils::GetParam('from',date('m/d/Y')); $to = jqGridUtils::GetParam('to',date('m/d/Y')); $companyid = jqGridUtils::GetParam('companyid', ''); $_SESSION['from'] = $from; $_SESSION['to'] = $to; } $table = 'BK'; $grid->SelectCommand = " SELECT BK.NO_BK, BK.BKID, BK.TGL, BK.URAIAN, BK.KASBANKID,K.BANK, BK.TYPES, bk.companyid FROM BK LEFT JOIN KASBANK K ON (BK.KASBANKID = K.KASBANKID) where bk.tgl between '".$from."' and '".$to."' and bk.companyid = $companyid "; $grid->dataType = 'json'; $grid->setColModel(); $grid->table = $table; $grid->setUrl( 'bk_.php'); $grid->setColProperty("BKID", array("label" => "ID", "hidden" => true)); $grid->setColProperty("KASBANKID", array("label" => "ID", "hidden" => true)); $grid->setColProperty("COMPANYID", array("label" => "ID", "hidden" => true, "editoptions" => array("defaultValue"=>$companyid ))); $grid->setAutocomplete("BANK", "#KASBANKID", " select ct.BANK, ct.BANK, ct.KASBANKID from KASBANK ct where ( upper(ct.bank ) LIKE '%' || upper( ? ) || '%' ) and CT.companyid = $companyid order by ct.bank ", null, true, true); ... |
let’s focus on setAutocomplete
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$grid->setAutocomplete("BANK", "#KASBANKID", " select ct.BANK, ct.BANK, ct.KASBANKID from KASBANK ct where ( upper(ct.bank ) LIKE '%' || upper( ? ) || '%' ) and CT.companyid = $companyid order by ct.bank ", null, true, true); |
if I change companyid, it won’t filter companyid …
Thanks. But what I meant is $_session filter.
where ( upper(ct.bank ) LIKE '%' || upper( ? ) || '%' ) and CT.companyid = ".$_SESSION['companyid']." ...
<p style=”padding-left: 40px;”>where ( upper(ct.bank ) LIKE ‘%’ || upper( ? ) || ‘%’ )’</p>
it’s not working to filter when I change Session…
nb. sorry, i don’t know how to copy paste a code …
I’ve been waiting for this…
I hope I can get this fixed release too…
I thought that scroll 1 will make auto scroll down by record by record at a second…
or is there any implementation to fire next page every loading table ?
Oh God… my mistaken, I change js too…
Thank you…
it works…
Hello, First of all thank you very much for the test case and demo and that you find these problems. 1.Currently there is a problem when rowTotal is set to true. We will try to fix this ASAP. In order to achieve what you want temporary set this parameter to false
Any progress for this bug ?
Best Regards,
Thank you very much… it’s worked now…
It’s working… Thank you
but… without summary column / colTotals …
i’ve tried but no luck…
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘grid’ of undefined
is there any demo of this ?
Thank you
Hello, First of all thank you very much for the test case and demo and that you find these problems.
1.Currently there is a problem when rowTotal is set to true. We will try to fix this ASAP. In order to achieve what you want temporary set this parameter to false – i.e: <!– Crayon Syntax Highlighter v_2.7.2_beta –><table class=”crayon-table”>
<tr class=”crayon-row”>
<td class=”crayon-nums ” data-settings=”show”>1234</td>
<td class=”crayon-code”><span class=”crayon-sy”>$</span><span class=”crayon-v”>pivot</span><span class=”crayon-o”>-></span><span class=”crayon-e”>setPivotOptions</span><span class=”crayon-sy”>(</span><span class=”crayon-t”>array</span><span class=”crayon-sy”>(</span><span class=”crayon-s”>”rowTotals”</span> <span class=”crayon-o”>=</span><span class=”crayon-o”>></span> <span class=”crayon-t”>false</span><span class=”crayon-sy”>,</span><span class=”crayon-s”>”colTotals”</span> <span class=”crayon-o”>=</span><span class=”crayon-o”>></span> <span class=”crayon-t”>true</span><span class=”crayon-sy”>)</span><span class=”crayon-sy”>)</span><span class=”crayon-sy”>;</span></td>
It’s working… Thank you…
<!– [Format Time: 0.0008 seconds] –>
2. The code for the buttons in pivot is fixed in JavaScript in GitHub. If you have difficulties to get it, please let us know Kind Regards, Will
would you like to send me a link to fix it ?
Just Info that your demo page of export excel is not working…
no button show up…
I’m sorry for my late answer.
Here’s my demo : http://multidayacipta.com/demos/hrd/info/pivot.php
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.... $pivot = new jqPivotGrid($conn); $pivot->SelectCommand =" SELECT N.NERACAID, N.THBL, N.TIPE, N.NOCOA, N.DEBET, N.KREDIT FROM NERACA N "; $pivot->setGridOptions(array( "rowNum"=>999999, "height"=>200,"width"=>1000, "sortname" => "NOCOA", "rowList"=>array(10,20,50,10), "shrinkToFit"=>false, "caption"=>"Group Nama", "groupingView"=>array("groupCollapse"=>true) )); $pivot->setData('pivot_.php'); // Grid xDimension settings $pivot->setxDimension(array( array("dataName"=>"NOCOA", "width"=>150) )); // Grid yDimension settings $pivot->setyDimension(array( array("dataName" => "THBL", "width"=>185), array("dataName" => "TIPE", "width"=>185) )); // Members $pivot->setaggregates(array( array( "member"=>'DEBET', "aggregator"=>'sum', "width"=>'120', "label"=>'Debet', "formatter"=>'number', "align"=>'right', // the summary type set the sum function of the groups "summaryType"=>'sum' ), array( "member"=>'KREDIT', "aggregator"=>'sum', "width"=>'120', "label"=>'Kredit', "formatter"=>'number', "align"=>'right', // the summary type set the sum function of the groups "summaryType"=>'sum' ) )); $pivot->setPivotOptions(array( "rowTotals" => true, "colTotals" => true )); $pivot->ignoreCaseSearch = true; $pivot->setSearchOptions( array ( "sqlfunc" => "UPPER", "phpfunc" => "strtoupper" )); //$grid->setNavOptions('navigator',array("csv"=>true, "pdf"=>true)); $pivot->setFilterOptions(array("stringResult"=>true, "searchOperators"=>true)); $pivot->setExcelOptions(array( "file_type"=>"Excel5", //Excel2007,Excel5,xml "file"=>"neraca.xls", "start_cell" => "A1", "font"=>"Arial", "font_size"=>11, "protect" => false, )); $pivot->navigator = true; $pivot->setNavOptions('navigator', array("excel"=>true,"add"=>false,"edit"=>false, "del"=>false)); $pivot->renderPivot("#grid","#pager", true, null, true, true); |
And there’s something weird… No Excel export button too…
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